Aviation Heritage Lincolnshire


February, 2024 - Admin
The Dicky and Dim Display

Living only three villages apart in Lincolnshire and attending the same primary and secondary schools together, George Charles Dickinson (Dicky) and Claude William Dimbleby (Dim) became good friends. During WW2, once old enough, both volunteered to join the RAF, and ended up in Bomber Command. Dim survived the conflict, but Dicky was killed on his second operation in February 1945. The collection is made up of personal memorabilia and stories associated with them, along with a few donated items, highlighting the differing fortunes of two families from that period.

Continuing the bond between the two families to this day, the display is presented by Roy Bell, nephew of Dicky, and John Dimbleby, son of Dim, who grew up only two villages apart, and went to the same schools as their relatives!

Housed in a 9m x 4m aluminium framed tent, but to allow for the guy ropes, a minimum pitch size of 12m x 6m on level turf is ideal. One long side is open when displaying. Some steel spikes will need to be driven into the ground to secure guy ropes and other equipment. Access to the pitch is needed by a small 4x4 vehicle towing a 5m long tandem axle trailer for unloading and assembly, with the same for disassembly/loading at the event end. Safe parking is then required to the rear of the display or as close as possible. Set up time is around 3 hours with take down slightly less. Public liability insurance is in place.

On some occasions friends help and another vehicle may be present, and if events last more than one day, the exhibitors may wish to position a caravan and motorhome in close vicinity for overnight security reasons, and to reduce travel time, if possible.

There is no charge for attending should you wish to include this display at your function.

Please send an email to dickyanddim@gmail.com with your contact details.

To download a copy of the Dicky and Dim Display brochure click here. The brochure is in pdf file format.

The Dicky and Dim Display

Aviation Heritage Lincolnshire